Advertising Compensation

As per mandates from FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION, 16 CFR Part 255 – Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising, the purpose of this document is to establish any compensatory affiliation with this Website and any advertising companies found on the pages of ShoutTheGeek.

The owner of ShoutTheGeek may earn compensation from the advertisers through your actions on this site, either from purchases resulting from the clicking of the ads found on the pages of ShoutTheGeek or from the clicking of the links themselves.

Advertising found on the pages of ShoutTheGeek is presented for the convenience of the reader without any implied or expressed warranty or recommendation of any kind. The owner or publisher of ShoutTheGeek has not reviewed the ads or products being presented herein, and therefore accepts no responsibility of any kind for them.

The clicking of any links found on the pages of ShoutTheGeek represents that the reader takes full responsibility for clicking on any ads and any resulting outcome from their actions concerning those ads, and shall not in any way hold the publishers, authors, or owners of ShoutTheGeek responsible for any outcome deriving from clicking on the links found on the pages of ShoutTheGeek


As per mandates from FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION, 16 CFR Part 255 – Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising, the purpose of this document is to establish any compensatory affiliation with numerous companies whose products are being promoted on this site, including but not limited to Amazon as a Marketing Affiliate and This Website.

This Website is affiliated with numerous companies whose products are being promoted on this site, including but not limited to Amazon, as a Marketing Affiliate and receives compensation for sales of numerous products and services found on this site, including but not limited to generated through his personal promotions and therefore has an established connection with numerous companies whose products are being promoted on this site, including but not limited to Amazon as a Marketing Affiliate that might lead some readers to believe that the review of numerous products and services found on this site, including but not limited to Amazon is biased. However, the review and comments on this page are to the best of his knowledge the true statements and beliefs of This Website and any claims made can be substantiated on request to info “at” ShoutTheGeek “dot” com

This Website did not receive compensation in the form of free promotional products or cash or cash equivalent for the purposes of reviewing numerous products and services found on this site, including but not limited to for numerous companies whose products are being promoted on this site, including but not limited to Amazon, as a Marketing Affiliate